Gifted Child Test Tampa: Parents, Learn How We Conduct Our Online Gifted Testing!

Every child, including yours, has skills, talents, and interests that make him/her/them unique and special. If you’re reading this, you may be wondering if one of your child’s special attributes is an IQ in the gifted range. Over the past few months, you’ve spent a lot of time with your child thanks to stay-at-home orders. Have you noticed a few... Read More

Gifted Child Test Tampa: What a Session Involves and Moving Forward with Your Child

“My daughter excelled throughout first grade, completing all of her work early and then looked for more to do. I was concerned that she wasn’t challenged enough, though. She is so well-behaved that I’m worried now that her teacher may not notice that she’s bored.” “On the last day of school, my son’s teacher told me how impressed she was... Read More

Gifted Child Test Tampa: My Child Missed the AGP Cut Off. What Now?

The most common requests I get for assessments include IQ assessments for determining a child's IQ, learning disability assessments, or to get a “second opinion” regarding an IQ assessment that was previously administered by a school. Generally, IQ assessments I administer are for a child to be included in the Academically Gifted Program (AGP).  It’s quite an honor to have... Read More